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Spring Term 2020

Spring Term 2020

Class 1 have had a busy start to 2020 investigating straight away into our new topic 'Space'. We have had a lot of fun making the planets, learning facts about them and their order away from the sun. The children have really enjoyed learning about the topic so far. In literacy, the children are currently focusing on a space story based on a new exciting planet that they have designed. They have also been writing a sense poem, a recount of their French Café morning and a story. In maths, the children have learnt about fractions and sharing quantity and shapes into equal parts. They have also been busy learning about measuring height, length, width, weight, and capacity. The younger children have been using non-standard measures (cubes, hand span, strides etc.) and the older pupils have been using accurate measurements. In our topic lessons, the children have been learning facts about space, some history about significant events and creating collages in art. After half term, we will start swimming lessons every Friday afternoon and on Friday 6th March, we have organised a trip to see the Lambs again at at a local farm.