Charsfield Primary School opened in as an academy in 2018 and was first inspected by Ofsted in February 2023. The school was rated good. You can read the report on the Ofsted Website.
The report is concise but does highlight many wonderful things about the school. It is hard to pick out positive comments because there are so many, but we are particularly pleased that the inspection team recognised the following.
"Charsfield is a friendly and caring school. It feels ‘like a family in its own right’".
"Pupils play well together. They are kind and thoughtful towards one another. Pupils feel safe at school".
"Pupils learn about bullying and say that there is none in the school".
"Pupils say that their teachers are kind and helpful".
"Pupils like the new curriculum that leaders have provided".
"Pupils achieve well in all subjects".
"Pupils readily take on responsibilities, such as helping to improve their school as school councillors".
"They love being with their friends".
"There is strong provision for children’s learning in early years".
"The early years curriculum is well planned, includes the children’s interests and links well with the subjects taught in Year 1".
"There are good opportunities for learning outdoors as well as inside the classroom".
"The arrangements for safeguarding are effective".
"There are robust and effective systems in place to identify and support the most vulnerable pupils".
Parents can give their views about the school on the Ofsted Parent View site.