Pupil Premium
Report 2019/2020
From September 2012 schools were required to report on-line how they have used the pupil premium and the impact it has had on pupil attainment and progress.
Schools have the freedom to spend this funding as they see fit and we base the use of our funding upon our knowledge of our pupil needs:
Schools, headteachers and teachers will decide how to use the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils.
It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.
Source DfE website
The pupil premium is allocated to schools for children who are from low income families. These pupils are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), children who are Looked After (LAC) or whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.
We are aware that sometimes parents do not wish to claim FSM for their children even though they are eligible and we respect their decision.
We explain the entitlement to all parents so that there is a universal understanding of the pupil premium and eligible parents are able to make an informed decision.
In 2019/20, £14,028 pupil premium funding was received.
We fund a range of activities and interventions through use of the Pupil Premium. This typically includes:
one to one tuition
smaller class sizes
subscriptions to online adaptive interventions such as Nessy and Dynamo.
small group booster activity sessions
increased TA support
individualised maths tuition
Character building such as Forest Schooling
handwriting intervention and interactive scheme
SEN resources to address specific needs
Interactive maths and reading programmes
behavioural support and specialist provision
educational psychology assessments
subsidising of school visits and residential visits
resources for LAC
Self-esteem support and resources e.g. Lego therapy
Intervention groups
Individualised intervention to meet the different learning needs of individual pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium.
School visits, clubs and activities.
Before and after school provision.
High quality arts experiences such as the Snape Maltings Festival of Music
Participation in school plays including costumes and travel costs.
Purchase of school uniform and school resources.
There has been a positive impact on progress and attainment through the targeted use of pupil premium funding. This is harder to quantify numerically this year because of the effect COVID had on end of year results for 2020.
What are our priorities for 2020/21?
We are aware that our many children in receipt of Pupil Premium may have been the children most impacted by time away from school during lockdown. A consequence of this is slipped behind across the curriculum and particularly in reading and arithmetic. Our Pupil Premium funding alongside addition resources from Covid catch up sources will be used to tack these two areas as priority although, of course, we will continue to support work we do on mental health and increased access to the broader curriculum to enhance ‘cultural capital’ where funding allows this.
What did we do to cater for Pupil Premium children during the COVID lockdown?
At the start of lockdown food parcels were arranged for pupils using the stocks from the kitchens in the Trust. These were personally delivered by our staff.
We arranged weekly food vouchers to be sent to parents and offered support to claim these.
Frequent contact was made with parents/ pupils and resources provided to cater to the needs of pupils (paper based tasks when requested/ additional reading books/ loans of ipads).
When the schools reopened in June pupils were prioritised and offered places back at school. Some pupils who had PP and Early Help/ Social Services intervention were given Key Worker places and attended school throughout lockdown.
We have administered baseline tests this Autumn 2020 and will target the gaps pupils have in their learning.
All pupils now have access to an online learning platform. We have carried out a survey as to what resources area available at home to support this and are exploring how we can plug the gaps using school IT resources.
We intend to continue to use funding in many of the ways listed above. We review the use of Pupil Premium funding regularly to ensure the best usage of this and track pupil attainment to ensure that they are continuing to make good progress.