Autumn Term 2019
Class 1 have had a fantastic term studying 'Superheroes'. All the children settled back into school really well and all worked very hard, especially our new reception children who we would like to welcome to Class 1.
In Maths, we have learnt about numbers, place value and addition. In Literacy, the children began the term learning about labels and captions before moving onto autumn focused work. In class, we read the story 'Leaf Man’, which is a very fun story about a man made of leaves. In the story, he is blown away changing into various other animals and objects. The children created their own Leaf Man books based on this story, which they proudly presented in Parent Assembly. Alongside this, the children made their own comic strips. The children planned their stories and then took photos of themselves in poses, with the help of their parents on share day. The children have completed their comic strips and also showed them in Parent Assembly.
In RE the children have learnt about 'Believing' and how Zoe (a fictional Jewish girl) lives and learns about her religion. They have learnt that 'Ziz' needed to find the hardest word, which was 'sorry' and how we all can learn to forgive. They have also learnt about 'Jonah and the Whale', making their own peg whales to help recall the story. In Art, the children focused on creating a repeating pattern. The children designed a pattern and copied it onto their polystyrene tiles to print a repeating pattern. They're final pieces all looked fantastic!
In Science, we learnt about keeping healthy and why this is important. We focused on a balanced diet, why we need to exercise and what happens to our bodies when we exercise, why we brush our teeth and wash our hands. In ICT, we learnt about Online Safety and why we should keep personal information safe, whilst online using apps on their tablets/phones and what to do if they 'get an uh-oh feeling in their tummy'.
On Tuesday 8th October, Class 1 invited parents and family into school for a ‘Share Day’ all about our topic. The day was a huge success and the children really enjoyed sharing their learning with their parents. May we say a huge thank you to all of the parents that came in for the whole or part of the day, and we hope to see you again at our next one.
As we neared Christmas, the children began to learn their nativity roles and lines. The nativity was on Monday 9th December during the afternoon and evening. Many parents, friends and family came to watch and it was a roaring success!
Before we broke up for our Christmas break we held a film evening to watch The Grinch. The children loved staying later after school to eat popcorn and sweets with their friends. We hope to hold another film evening in the Spring Term.
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